Posicionamientos éticos y políticos y ejercicio de reflexividad personal en profesionales que acompañan procesos de reintegración de excombatientes del conflicto armado colombiano

The present research work is based on deepening in the understanding of the positioning that a reintegration professional in Colombia develops from his listening experience. The origin of the purpose of the study was based on understanding the effects produced on a subject when listening to a person...

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Burgos Avendaño, Sofía
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
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Summary:The present research work is based on deepening in the understanding of the positioning that a reintegration professional in Colombia develops from his listening experience. The origin of the purpose of the study was based on understanding the effects produced on a subject when listening to a person who is characterized as a perpetrator or victimizer, starting from the basis that this field has been a little under-stimulated in academic research. The academy has advanced both in the study of the figure of the perpetrator/victimizer and in the recognition of the impacts in the listener of testimonies with a strong content. However, both study axes are considered relatively new and research of the effects of listening have focused mainly on listening to victims or survivors. Also, another limitation of the studies focused on the listener is that they are reduced to the psychological or emotional impacts that occur, based almost exclusively on categories that explain a transfer of suffering. The moment the investigation was situated in Colombia, it was identified that the persons who represent the figure of perpetrator/victimizer on the national scene are those who belonged to the different illegal armed groups (among others), where a significant percentage has been demobilized by a transitional juncture that has the purpose of ending socio-political violence to make way for the stabilization of peace. Ergo, the subjects who fulfill the role of the listeners are the reintegration professionals and their listening experience is framed by the reintegration processes they accompany. The understanding of the positioning of professionals was constructed in a relational and integral way, where different elements of the individual are taken into account such as the ethical, socio-political and personal.