Identificación y caracterización de especies de tiburones por medio de DNA barcoding en pesquerías de Guyana

The role played by sharks and rays in ecosystems is listed as a vital ecological role for the maintenance of reef, coastal, estuarine and open ocean environments. Among the functions performed by these organisms, we find the work of top predators and decomposing links of the organic matter located i...

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Marín Muñoz, Daniel Esteban
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Conservación de los recursos acuáticos
Ecosistemas marinos|
Huellas genéticas por ADN
Summary:The role played by sharks and rays in ecosystems is listed as a vital ecological role for the maintenance of reef, coastal, estuarine and open ocean environments. Among the functions performed by these organisms, we find the work of top predators and decomposing links of the organic matter located in the water column or on the seabed. However, despite their relevance as regulators of ecosystems and as a vital source of economic sustenance for artisanal fishing; They are increasingly vulnerable to indiscriminate incidental or directed fishing. Additionally, we find that the availability of data that facilitates the structuring of appropriate regulatory protocols related to the lifestyles of the different species is scarce for regions of the Caribbean and the South Atlantic. One of the countries for which this lack of information is evident is the territory of Guyana. In response to the deficiency in the available information, analysis focused on the identification of species present in the fishing composition are required. However, traditional approaches are based on the identification of shark's morphological characters, which are usually removed in the open sea and their characterization in port is compromised. In response to this problem, molecular approaches such as DNA Barcoding have emerged, providing protocols of greater confidence, speed and precision. This study seeks to provide information on the composition of artisanal fishing carried out of the coast of the country of Guyana from a novel and efficient molecular approach.