Impacto de la producción petrolera en el aumento de la violencia producto del conflicto armado en la Orinoquia colombiana

In the last decades, oil has established itself as one of the main engines of the Colombian economy and today is the main generator of external income and the main source of income for the regions; Both in terms of royalties and tax contributions. However, in many areas of the country, such as the O...

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Barreto Acero, Laura Alejandra
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Conflicto armado
Regalías (Industria del petróleo)
Summary:In the last decades, oil has established itself as one of the main engines of the Colombian economy and today is the main generator of external income and the main source of income for the regions; Both in terms of royalties and tax contributions. However, in many areas of the country, such as the Orinoquia, this source of resources became a great incentive for different armed groups outside the law, to decide to establish themselves in those territories, thus increasing violent action. This paper aims to analyze whether the extraction and production of oil from the municipalities of the departments of Casanare, Meta and Arauca, had a positive effect on the increase of violence in these territories. This is done through an empirical analysis by means of a regression of fixed effects in which the data of the municipal panel of CEDE and the Ministry of Mines, Ecopetrol and the National Hydrocarbons Agency (ADH) is used. Finding mainly that the production of oil has a positive effect on the increase of the attack to civil population, kidnappings and piracy.