Evaluación del desempeño de sistemas urbanos de drenaje sostenible : caso de estudio Parque Metropolitano San Cristóbal Sur

The focus of this project corresponds to the evaluation of the performance of the pilot of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), built in the Metropolitan Park San Cristóbal Sur. The treatment train consists of a grass swale and a Dry Extended Detention Basin (DEDB), implemented to promote proc...

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Ramírez Cely, Paula Marcela
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
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Palabra clave:
Escorrentía urbana
Manejo de escorrentía urbana
Parque Metropolitano San Cristóbal Sur (Bogotá, Colombia)
Summary:The focus of this project corresponds to the evaluation of the performance of the pilot of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS), built in the Metropolitan Park San Cristóbal Sur. The treatment train consists of a grass swale and a Dry Extended Detention Basin (DEDB), implemented to promote processes of detention, capture of solid particles and infiltration of stormwater runoff. To achieve the objective, the treatment train was monitored during the second winter season of 2017, (between November 8 and December 15), and during the first rainy season of 2018. Then the peak flow reductions, runoff volumes and removal of pollutants were estimated, . In addition, a model was implemented and calibrated in WinSLAMM, in order to evaluate the performance of the pilot in each type and establish the factors that affect the removal of particulate contaminants. The flow records indicated that all the events analyzed showed positive reductions in peak flows...