Gestionando la inclusón

The CEV is a private religious school in Bogota. Its humanist philosophy seeks the integral education, living know-how, as the means to transform society (Colegio Emilio Valenzuela, s.f.), supported from a pedagogical model of constructive interaction. The community of the CEV by 2016 is mixed schoo...

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Roa Giorgi, Germán Darío
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
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Palabra clave:
Calidad de la educación
Educación inclusiva
Investigación acción en educación
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Summary:The CEV is a private religious school in Bogota. Its humanist philosophy seeks the integral education, living know-how, as the means to transform society (Colegio Emilio Valenzuela, s.f.), supported from a pedagogical model of constructive interaction. The community of the CEV by 2016 is mixed school from the modality of coeducation (classrooms by gender). It is composed by 1,140 students, of which 50 have some differentiation in their learning. At the end of the year 2015, in the meeting of institutional planning for the year 2016, determined from the Steering Group of the meeting, make the inclusion project in an institutional process and by 2016 the strategic objectives of the College was raised: "consolidate a process of inclusion that will allow the development of social and harmonic skills in the community Emilista" (objective 10 of the strategic plan and quality of the CEV 2016). Therefore it is paramount ask what are the actions that allow the consolidation of the process of inclusive education at the Colegio Emilio Valenzuela? To give response to the question of this work, assumed two core concepts: the first as the population group and the second from the educational approach. The first concept was differential learning students and the second concept is inclusive education. For which it was necessary to conduct a study from action research, determining that the first time, would be the review and understand managerial processes of the CEV (diagnostic phase) and from that, plan the cycles and actions according to the observed problems.--Tomado del Formato de Documento de Grado.