Caracterización de un currículo bilingèue colaborativo enfocado hacia la competencia comunicativa intercultural

This current research is a qualitative study focuses on critical participatory paradigm. The main goal is to design a bilingual curriculum based on intercultural communicative competence for elementary students of a public school. The research questions that emerged in this study: what are the chara...

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Pabón Suárez, Silvia Rocío
Tipo de recurso:
Doctoral thesis
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de los Andes
Séneca: repositorio Uniandes
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Desarrollo curricular
Educación bilingèue
Educación intercultural
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Summary:This current research is a qualitative study focuses on critical participatory paradigm. The main goal is to design a bilingual curriculum based on intercultural communicative competence for elementary students of a public school. The research questions that emerged in this study: what are the characteristics of a participatory bilingual curriculum focuses on intercultural communicative competence based on freirian pedagogy: humanism and dialogicity? and what kind of evidence does the bilingual curriculum demonstrate as a participatory design process? The document includes the description of the problem. It explores and analyzes the intercultural conceptions from European and Latinoamerican perspectives, the definition of bilingualism, and the English Language environment seen from the critical perspective. The theoretical and legal frameworks analyze the intercultural communicative competence understood as a dialogic, flexible, humanistic and inclusive perceptions in a bilingual environment. The research instruments used in the study were a questionnaire, audio-recordings, interviews and field notes.