Fruit quality and production of Vitis vinifera L. Chardonnay affected by partial defoliation in tropical highlands

Using a completely randomized design with twotreatments (50% defoliation and a control without defoliation)and six replications per treatment, the fruit quality and productionof grape plants subjected to early partial-defoliation in Villa deLeyva – Colombia were determined. Five-year-old Vitis vinif...

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Peña Olmos, Jaime Ernesto
Casierra Posada, Fánor
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
57 Ciencias de la vida; Biología / Life sciences; biology
58 Plantas / Plants
cluster weight
berry weight
total soluble solids
maturity index
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:Using a completely randomized design with twotreatments (50% defoliation and a control without defoliation)and six replications per treatment, the fruit quality and productionof grape plants subjected to early partial-defoliation in Villa deLeyva – Colombia were determined. Five-year-old Vitis vinifera L.'Chardonnay' plants were used as the plant material, planted in atrellis system with distances of 2.1 x 1 m. The plants were partiallydefoliated biweekly, removing every other recently emerged leaf ineach of the plants subjected to the defoliation treatment. 130 daysafter the start of the pruning, the number of harvested clusterswas determined for each of the evaluated plants along with thenumber of berries per cluster, the fresh weight of the clusters,the average berry weight, the fruit pH and diameter, the TSS, theTTA and the fruit maturity index (MI). The average weights of theclusters and the berries were significantly higher in the plantssubjected to a reduced foliar area. All of the fruit quality parametervalues increased with defoliation with the exception of TTA, whichwas higher in the control plants. Therefore, it was concluded thatpartial-defoliation had a pronounced influence on the fruit qualityand production of the 'Chardonnay' grapes.