An ethnobotanical survey of spice, aromatic and medicinal plants used in La Molana, Atrato-Choco, Colombia: Basis for biodiversity conservation

A characterization and analysis of the production systems of aromatic, medicinal and spice plants (AMSP) was carried out in La Molana, Atrato-Chocó, Colombia throughout the identification of their biophysical, socioeconomic and financial characteristics, in order to propose agroecological alternativ...

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Marmolejo Liloy, Miller
Ponce Mendoza, Jesús David
Hinestroza Córdoba, Leidy Indira
Moreno Holguín, Harold
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
55 Ciencias de la tierra / Earth sciences and geology
63 Agricultura y tecnologías relacionadas / Agriculture
Agroecological alternatives
agroforestry planning of productive units (APPU)
diagnostics and traditional practices
sustainable agriculture
sustainable rural development
traditional knowledge.
Agricultura sostenible
alternativas agroecológicas
conocimiento tradicional
desarrollo rural sostenible
diagnósticos y prácticas tradicionales
planificación agroforestal de unidades productivas (PAF).
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:A characterization and analysis of the production systems of aromatic, medicinal and spice plants (AMSP) was carried out in La Molana, Atrato-Chocó, Colombia throughout the identification of their biophysical, socioeconomic and financial characteristics, in order to propose agroecological alternatives that solve the problems and identified needs in said systems; applying methodologies and evaluation indicators of agricultural systems addressed to sustainable rural development, design, implementation and evaluation of agroforestry arrangements, agroforestry systems accompanied by WOST analysis, and agroforestry planning of productive units (APPU), this information was collected through the application of a focal workshop and semi-structured questionnaires to 40 farm producers. Therefore, eight productive units (UP) with four plots and four rooftop, which was characterized throughout a simple random sampling without replacement. The results indicate that these farm producers destine 15.6 ha to AMSP production, from which 11 ha are crops structured in plots within forests and 4.6 ha are destined to crops in roofs around the houses. The units produce on average, 110 units (bunches) per week, which are offered to informal vendors in the market place of Quibdo-Choco, Colombia with prices which ranged from COP $ 1000 to COP $ 3000 according to plant size and species. Likewise, was determined that the economic incomes of the AMSP units depend mainly on the following planted species: Cilantro (Coriandrum sativum L.), cimarron (Eryngium foetidum L.), Albahaca (Ocimum basilicum L.) and Oregano (Origanum vulgare L.), which are the most economically important species in the study area.