Diseño de una secuencia didáctica para la producción escrita en niños de primer grado

The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the challenge of teaching writing in the first cycle of primary school through didactic sequences. This is a real challenge if one takes into account that over time the teaching of writing has been marked by an instrumental seal that takes as a center of s...

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Bermúdez- Valencia, Claudia Patricia
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Palabra clave:
writing, didactic sequence, strategies, fable, written production.
escritura, secuencia didáctica, estrategias, fábula, producción escrita.
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0 Internacional
Summary:The purpose of this work was to demonstrate the challenge of teaching writing in the first cycle of primary school through didactic sequences. This is a real challenge if one takes into account that over time the teaching of writing has been marked by an instrumental seal that takes as a center of study the grammatical and orthographic aspects leaving aside the pragmatic and sociocultural aspects that are carried out in communicative acts, in addition to this we can add as part of the problem that in classroom practices teachers do not implement methodological strategies that mobilize in students the cognitive processes required for learning writing. In this sense and thinking of encouraging the development of written production in students of the first grade of the I.E. Humberto Raffo Rivera of the municipality of Palmira, a didactic sequence is implemented with a view to “transforming the knowledge” that children have about writing in this grade. Activities are then designed that use the fable as a methodological tool, a resource that by its characteristics arouses great interest among students and stimulates the desire to learn, with which they intend to put into play skills and abilities to plan, text and review the productions written. At the end of the activities, an analysis of the results obtained was carried out and it was determined that the school still manages a misconception about the teaching of written composition. Its processes based on grammatical and orthographic aspects did not allow the use of strategies based on the conscious reflection of the development of the writing process and therefore the cognitive processes that sought to encourage the development of written production were not put in place. In this way, to solve this problem, improvements in the design of the didactic sequence are proposed and thus contribute to the transformation of student knowledge and classroom practices of teachers of our Educational Institution. This work was developed in the interpretive qualitative paradigm, through the implementation of the Didactic Sequence, to implement an application work that allowed analyzing the teaching and learning situations of writing in the first grade, understanding the processes that led to out and that did not allow the fulfillment of the proposed objectives, propose improvements for the transformation of classroom practices and thus respond positively to a proposal of academic innovation.