A new arborescent species of zamia (cycadales, zamiaceae) from the department of huila, eastern cordillera of colombia

Zamia huilensis Calonje, Esquivel, and amp; D.W. Stev., a new arborescent species from theEastern Cordillera of Colombia (Department of Huila), is described and illustrated. Itis compared to Z. muricata Willd., which has similar leaflet shape, and to Z. tolimensisCalonje, Esquivel and amp; D.W. Stev...

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Calonje, Michael
Esquivel, Héctor Eduardo
Morales, Gustavo
Mora-Lizcano, Yhon Alber
Stevenson, Dennis
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
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Palabra clave:
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:Zamia huilensis Calonje, Esquivel, and amp; D.W. Stev., a new arborescent species from theEastern Cordillera of Colombia (Department of Huila), is described and illustrated. Itis compared to Z. muricata Willd., which has similar leaflet shape, and to Z. tolimensisCalonje, Esquivel and amp; D.W. Stev., with which it shares some reproductive characters.It differs from Z. muricata in having an arborescent trunk, beige-yellow to beigeovulate strobili supported by short peduncles, and microsporangia aggregated intoa single group on abaxial side of microsporophyll; it differs from Z. muricata in thesubterranean trunk, dark brown to black ovulate strobili supported by long peduncles,and microsporangia separated into two groups on abaxial side of microsporophylls.It differs from Z. tolimensis in having an overall smaller size, leaflets that are notstrongly falcate and with margins toothed below the distal half, compared to Z. tolimensiswhich is a much larger plant, and has strongly falcate leaflets that are nottoothed below the distal half.