Local quantification and characterisation represents a basic tool for integrated residential solid waste management

A sampling and characterization plan for residential solid waste (SW) produced in the city of Cali in Colombia was developed between January and September 2006; this required designing an undisclosed strategy in the country and the results showed the need for an adjustment to the current SW Colombia...

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Marmolejo R., Luis F.
Klinger A., Rafael A.
Madera P., Carlos A.
Olaya O., Javier
Marcos B., Carolina
Ordóñez A, José A.
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Ingeniería Ambiental
Ingeniería Sanitaria
clasificación de residuos
lado de manzana
marco muestral
plan de muestreo
producción per cápita (PPC)
Environmental Engineering
Sanitary Engineering
solid waste classification
block side
sampling framework
sampling plan
percapita production (PCP)
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:A sampling and characterization plan for residential solid waste (SW) produced in the city of Cali in Colombia was developed between January and September 2006; this required designing an undisclosed strategy in the country and the results showed the need for an adjustment to the current SW Colombian classification scheme. The available sampling frame made a two-stage sampling plan necessary, block side (BS) being the first stage and household BS the second. A 0.39 kg/(person-day) solid waste per-capita production (PCP) was found, which increased with socioeconomic status. Food waste was produced most, a large part consisting of cooked food. Waste from personal hygiene items was a third category, although this is not currently a category which is included in Colombian Technical Standard –RAS 2000. Although characterization techniques are used worldwide, the results showed the relevance of available sampling frame-based local characterization, using local data for sampling methods and associated sample size selection.