Generation of recycled aggregates and technical requirements for some applications

In the present framework of sustainable construction, management of construction and demolition (C and amp;D) waste or debris is stressed and its correct implementation requires a previous estimation of the precise quantities and detailed composition of C and amp;D waste.This allows us to make an es...

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Martínez Lage, Isabel
Vázquez Herrero, Cristina
González Fonteboa, Belén
Martínez Abella, Fernando
Tipo de recurso:
Article of journal
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Construction and Demolition (C and amp
C and amp
D Waste (CDW)
C and amp
D Debris
Management of C and amp
D Waste
Quantification of C and amp
D Waste
Composition of C and amp
D Waste
Recycled Aggregate.
Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional
Summary:In the present framework of sustainable construction, management of construction and demolition (C and amp;D) waste or debris is stressed and its correct implementation requires a previous estimation of the precise quantities and detailed composition of C and amp;D waste.This allows us to make an estimate of the production of recycled aggregate and to analyze the impact of its use in relation to the use of natural aggregate. Research of existing bibliography, the results obtained from both experimental testing and previous experience at construction works where C and amp;D debris is used, enabled us to develop technical specifications for each application of the recycled aggregates. This includes recommendations for use, quality control specifications, and the maximum percentage of recycled aggregate that ought to substitute natural aggregate in concrete mixes in order to get admissible performances.