De menores de edad a ciudadanos: los indígenas de Antioquia y otras zonas neogranadinas frente a los postulados libertarios de la primera República, 1810 - 1816

In this article the main problem is the insertion from the native to the republican liberal project, because this, deprived to the communities of the foundations of its existence in order to the homogenization of the society and of the dissolution of all privileged body coming from the old regime. T...

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Universidad Industrial de Santander
Repositorio UIS
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Summary:In this article the main problem is the insertion from the native to the republican liberal project, because this, deprived to the communities of the foundations of its existence in order to the homogenization of the society and of the dissolution of all privileged body coming from the old regime. This new political scenario, in their desire to erase the prints of a past that it considered infamous, it believed that with the fact of declaring citizen to the Indian will improve their subsistence. But on the contrary, it submerged it in the chaos and the uncertainty, it gave him individual responsibilities for which was not prepared, it tried to extirpate the juridical privileges granted by the monarchy, and with arbitrariness it tried to change the communal property, to which the Indian was very attached, for a modernized individual property.Likewise, it tried to implant to the force the revolutionary concept of equality in a society totally attached to the stratums hierarchies, and that in spite of what was expressed in the new norms, it considered the Indian as a minor that should be watched over always, given its "natural attraction" toward the bad habits.Keywords: citizenship, tributes, political community, privileges.