Gestión de la aplicación de las políticas públicas en materia de seguridad en la localidad de Ciudad Bolívar de la ciudad de Bogotá (2014 – 2017)

This project tries to identify the concepts about the implementation of public policy regarding security, having as a basis the state mechanisms, legal, political and social, and aimed at counteracting the problem of crime in the fourth city of Ciudad Bolívar. As a basis for the study of this projec...

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Salamanca, Juan Carlos
Sabogal Gaitán, Cindy Johana
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad La Gran Colombia
Repositorio Institucional UGC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Política pública
Delincuencia juvenil - Bogotá (Colombia)
Administración pública - Colombia
Problemas sociales
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International
Summary:This project tries to identify the concepts about the implementation of public policy regarding security, having as a basis the state mechanisms, legal, political and social, and aimed at counteracting the problem of crime in the fourth city of Ciudad Bolívar. As a basis for the study of this project, reference will be made to the legal instruments used by the District between 2014 and 2017, taking into account that the aforementioned data, counted with the passage of two government plans led by the current administration. On the one hand, there is the Bogotá Humana program headed by former mayor Gustavo Petro and on the other hand, the Bogotá one for all program led by the current mayor Enrique Peñalosa. The analysis that makes the present project allows identifying the points in common and the harmony that there was between these, with respect to the expositions that each one of the administrations did. Through a qualitative and quantitative analysis explains the origin of the problem of crime in the city of Bogotá, assuming as a point of reference the town of Ciudad Bolivar. Taking as a basis the effectiveness that was related to the applicability of public policy on security, taking into account aspects such as common crime, the inclusion of the youth population in this context, as the marked consequences left by the post-conflict that they were translated into criminal actions by nascent groups as a result of this situation, which affected the spread of crime within the social sphere. That said, the project welcomes the positioning by the State on how to solve the violence transferred to the urban environment.