Restricciones de edad para el ingreso al Cuerpo de Custodia y Vigilancia en el INPEC

This paper analyzes the constitutionality of Decree Law 407 of 1994, which contemplates within its requirements, age limits to join the Corps of Custody and Surveillance of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC), even though with Law 931 of 2004 was ordered to avoid all forms of disc...

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Barrera Morales, Nelson Enrique
Beltrán Rozo, Hugo Darío
Cárdenas Ortiz, Fabio
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad La Gran Colombia
Repositorio Institucional UGC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Discriminación en razón de edad
Instituto Nacional Penitenciario y Carcelario (INPEC)
Derecho al trabajo
Derecho a la igualdad
Right to work
Right to equality
Derecho al trabajo - Colombia
Derecho constitucional - Colombia
Función pública - Colombia
Discriminación en el trabajo
Colombia - Funcionarios y empleados - Selección y nombramiento
Summary:This paper analyzes the constitutionality of Decree Law 407 of 1994, which contemplates within its requirements, age limits to join the Corps of Custody and Surveillance of the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC), even though with Law 931 of 2004 was ordered to avoid all forms of discrimination, mainly in terms of age. It is part of a kind of basic, applied and experimental research. Because it pretends to acquire a new knowledge to apply in the professional life of researchers, discovering factors that may affect or perform an important role in their professional field, since they act against the Constitution National Policy itself. Within the results obtained, this research developed an exhaustive comparison of laws, jurisprudence and even analysis of the same National Political Constitution. This, in order to get the conclusion of the unconstitutionality of the analyzed norm (Decree Law 407 of 1994 Article 119 numeral 2), As it violates fundamental rights such as the right to work, not to be discriminated against on grounds of sex, age, color and race, among others.