Responsabilidad del estado de reparar las víctimas de los hechos ocurridos en la masacre de El Salado el 16 de febrero del 2000

The present work reflects an analysis of the internal war that has led to the fact that, due to the lack of action and the omission of State officials, such heartbreaking acts as the El Salado massacre, occurred on February 16, 2000, that leaves as a result, 354 fatal victims, infringing tortures, r...

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Calderón Martínez, Ruth Jacqueline
Zuluaga Bernal, Mayra Alejandra
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad La Gran Colombia
Repositorio Institucional UGC
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Acción de reparación
Reparación patrimonial
Facultad sancionatoria del estado
Acción disciplinaria
Llamamiento en garantía al funcionario
Dolo y culpa grave
Reparation Measures
Patrimonial reparation
Disciplinary action
Responsabilidad del estado - Colombia
Víctimas de guerra - Colombia
Indemnización por daños de guerra - Colombia
Masacre de El Salado, 2000
Summary:The present work reflects an analysis of the internal war that has led to the fact that, due to the lack of action and the omission of State officials, such heartbreaking acts as the El Salado massacre, occurred on February 16, 2000, that leaves as a result, 354 fatal victims, infringing tortures, rapes, disappearances, among other actions that caused pain and the spread of terror as an instrument of control over the territories, by the paramilitaries In this context, the responsibility of the State is evident, because not only by the omission, but by the action, which is difficult to understand how this paramilitary action could not be prevented or neutralized, speaking of a massacre that occurred during 5 days and which was attended by 450 paramilitaries.