Acciones de participación ciudadana, encaminadas a la protección del medio ambiente, para la intervención minera

In the community of the. And San Miguel villages of the municipality of Sibaté Cundinamarca, there has been a social - legal problem, caused by the operation of the company Colombia Minerales Industriales SA, - Comind SA, for more than 30 years. That the population has manifested its deep rejection...

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Acosta Delgadillo, Ana Adelaida
Vargas Rodríguez, Fanny Andrea
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad La Gran Colombia
Repositorio Institucional UGC
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Recursos naturales
Plan de manejo ambiental
Medidas de compensación
Derecho ambiental
Arenas silíceas
Natural resources
Citizen participation
Compensatory measures
Environmental law
Industrias mineras - Aspectos ambientales
Conservación de los recursos naturales
Conservación de los recursos minerales - Participación ciudadana
Summary:In the community of the. And San Miguel villages of the municipality of Sibaté Cundinamarca, there has been a social - legal problem, caused by the operation of the company Colombia Minerales Industriales SA, - Comind SA, for more than 30 years. That the population has manifested its deep rejection through complaints and petitions rights, filed before the Regional Autonomous Corporation of Cundinamarca, in the Regional Directorate Soacha, denouncing the detriment of the natural resources of the region, caused by the activities carried out by said company, Legally protected by the environmental instrument granted by the CAR, called "Environmental Management Plan" for the development of siliceous sand exploitation activities, authorized by Resolution No. 1897 of August 29, 2008. For what is considered as a research topic, define the actions of citizen participation, which contribute to the entities in charge of the management of natural resources, to the preservation and care of the environment.