Las tareas de la adolescencia : una lectura de la adolescencia normal

ABSTRACT: In response to empirical research which criticizes the psychoanalytic position that attributes the character of "turmoil" to the normal adolescence, we propose a reading of some classical approaches on the subject. We approach to the adolescence not as a crisis but as a transitio...

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Espinosa Duque, Henry Daniel
Tipo de recurso:
Article of investigation
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Antioquia
Repositorio UdeA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Adolescencia (Psicoanálisis)
Adolescencia y educación
Psicoanálisis del adolescente
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:ABSTRACT: In response to empirical research which criticizes the psychoanalytic position that attributes the character of "turmoil" to the normal adolescence, we propose a reading of some classical approaches on the subject. We approach to the adolescence not as a crisis but as a transition that has certain "psychological tasks" which are mobilized by body changes and social requirements. We grouped these tasks into three categories: to keep away of childhood internalized parental imago, being exposed to new environments relational and the reconstruction of the Self. In these tasks are grouped some psychoanalytic theories of adolescence from a perspective that explain the mental processes without focusing on turmoil phenomenology. Finally, this process allows the adolescent to answer the central questions that man made to get in adulthood: Whom will I love?, What do I do? and Who am I?