Simulación del metabolismo del nitrógeno en vacas lactantes

ABSTRACT: To simulate some parameters of the nitrogen metabolism in lactating cows, some research articles about the independent and dependent variables included in the assumed model, were reviewed. Independent variables that can be measured in situ without expensive and complicated diagnosis method...

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Correa Cardona, Héctor Jairo
Tipo de recurso:
Article of investigation
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Antioquia
Repositorio UdeA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Metabolismo del nitrógeno
Ganado de leche
Lactancia (animales)
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CO)
Summary:ABSTRACT: To simulate some parameters of the nitrogen metabolism in lactating cows, some research articles about the independent and dependent variables included in the assumed model, were reviewed. Independent variables that can be measured in situ without expensive and complicated diagnosis methods, were considered: milk yield (PL), diet crude protein (PCd), milk crude protein (PCl) and milk ureic nitrogen (NUL). The dependent variables were: efficiency of nitrogen utilization to milk protein production (Efic), milk true protein (Pverd), milk non protein nitrogen (NNPl), absorbed nitrogen (Nabs), retained nitrogen (Nret), and urinary nitrogen (Nuri). Based on dry matter and crude protein contained in forage and also in concentrate supplement, the nitrogen excreted in feces (Nexcr), the nitrogen intake (Ncons), the total dry matter intake (MSCtotal), the dry matter intake from supplement (MScons), the dry matter intake from forage (MSforr), and the wet matter intake from forage (MVforr) were arithmetically calculated. To obtain this results, 29 values from six research articles published in scientific journals were used and lineal multiple equations were analysed with SAS software to Efic, Pverd, Nabs, Nret and Nuri.