Las nuevas tic y los métodos educativos tradicionales (met) en la educación para la salud bucal en estudiantes de Básica Primaria

ABSTRACT: The aim is to show the mediating effects of new ict and traditional educational methods (tem) in the field of oral health, using indicators for oral hygiene, knowledge, attitudes and school practices Basic Primary Students at the Francisco Miranda Educational Institution in Medellín. Metho...

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Bernal Álvarez, Tomás
Santos Machado, Yhinny Paola
Alzate Yepes, Teresita
Morales Mora, María Eugenia
Agudelo Suárez, Andrés Alonso
Posada López, Adriana
Martínez Londoño, Alejandro
Tipo de recurso:
Article of investigation
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Antioquia
Repositorio UdeA
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Higiene bucal
Oral hygiene
Educación para la salud
Health education
Educación en salud dental
Dental health education
Nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
New information and communication technologies
tribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-ND 2.5 CO)
Summary:ABSTRACT: The aim is to show the mediating effects of new ict and traditional educational methods (tem) in the field of oral health, using indicators for oral hygiene, knowledge, attitudes and school practices Basic Primary Students at the Francisco Miranda Educational Institution in Medellín. Methods: an evaluative study using quantitative and descriptive elements with data from three moments in time: first moment, March 2011 (base moment or baseline); second moment, May 2011 (after tem implementation); third moment November 2011 (after implementing nict). Clinical examinations were performed for oral hygiene indicators (iho from the Spanish acronym) and surveys were applied among the schoolchildren about oral health knowledge, attitudes and practices. Results: There has been an improvement in the knowledge and practices of primary school students participating in the study, which was evident during the second moment, which followed implementation of the tem. There was a positive change in oral health, with those classified as good going from 10% to 46%, as well as among those classified as middling or deficient, increasing from 44% to 66% and from 10% to 24%, respectively. The use of nict can have positive results in learning and knowledge of oral health habits, as long as it is constant and motivating. Conclusions: The indicators observed led to a positive assessment of the results of the study; the study invites us to strengthen Health Education strategies using nict for significant cognitive learning and those using tem for learning and developing significant practical abilities in institutional educational projects (pei from the Spanish acronym).