Hacia una nueva cultura de la sexualidad y la convivencia en jóvenes escolarizados. Experiencia de Investigación Acción participativa

ABSTRACT: Experience of reflection-action according to the action research methodology is presented in this paper. This is carried out together with youngsters, teachers, and parents in an educational institution of Medellin in which a sensibilization and conceptualization about sexuality, education...

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Jaramillo Vélez, Diva Estela
Uribe Jaramillo, Tulia María
Tipo de recurso:
Article of investigation
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Antioquia
Repositorio UdeA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Educación sexual
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CO)
Summary:ABSTRACT: Experience of reflection-action according to the action research methodology is presented in this paper. This is carried out together with youngsters, teachers, and parents in an educational institution of Medellin in which a sensibilization and conceptualization about sexuality, educational models, and relevance of new sexual valuations are attained. On one hand, parents and teachers think of having been socialised under alienated patterns of a big religious influence with a biological and genital sexual conception that impairs good relations with the body, and favours genre stereotypes. On the other hand, youngsters accept to be educated in a sexist way that causes contradictions and conflicts to meet the opposite sex. The lack of dialogue is perceived as a deficiency and it is placed as the origin of voids and sexual confusions. The concept of sexuality is impregnated of geniality, mystery, and fear. New sexual models and valuations are carried out in order to favor human development that can develop the knowledge production and the education, communication and development of values. Changes in the group are attained understanding the sexuality as the expression of human beings implying responsible relationships in each person and with the others. This causes different attitudes towards sexuality and men-women relationship. The experience is developed in a Project of sexual education and the school institution that supports it.