Conocimiento de los estudiantes y docentes de la Escuela de Microbiología de la Universidad de Antioquia sobre la infección por el virus del papiloma humano

ABSTRACT: To estimate the level of knowledge on human papillomavirus (hpv) among students and teachers of the School of Microbiology of the University of Antioquia. Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive study. A total amount of 220 students and 35 professors were surveyed. The students were selec...

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Murillo, Zenedy
Suárez, Yuli
Hinestroza, Liliana
Bedoya, Astrid Milena
Sánchez, Gloria Inés
Baena Zapata, Armando
Tipo de recurso:
Article of investigation
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Antioquia
Repositorio UdeA
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
Virus del papiloma humano (VPH)
Neoplasias del cuello uterino
Actitudes y prácticas
Universidad de Antioquia.
Escuela de Microbiología
Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia (CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 CO)
Summary:ABSTRACT: To estimate the level of knowledge on human papillomavirus (hpv) among students and teachers of the School of Microbiology of the University of Antioquia. Methodology: cross-sectional descriptive study. A total amount of 220 students and 35 professors were surveyed. The students were selected by random sampling. Knowledge was measured through a previously validated questionnaire. An analysis of variance identified factors related to level of knowledge. Results: 70% of students showed a low awareness on hvp, 46% knew its modes of transmission and 9% knew about risk factors. The academic curriculum and the academic level were both related to the level of knowledge of students. A total percentage of 34,3% of professors showed low knowledge. Discussion: there is a global lack of knowledge among both students and professors about the modes of transmission, the prevention and the causes for hpv. In pursuit of the benefits of primary prevention of this virus, it is necessary to implement educational campaigns to raise awareness of people about it.