Internship Written Report Business Profile Student Writing Outline “Work Experience Reflection Paper”

As a consequence of the implementation of the bonuses, it is necessary to mention that labor pressure increased in each work group, although not in a negative way, based on the fact that the employees felt the need to assert the trust that the client had deposited. in the company to achieve greater...

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benedetti Leal, Alfredo
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Cartagena
Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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Palabra clave:
Perfil laboral
Rol en las empresas
Experiencia laboral
Summary:As a consequence of the implementation of the bonuses, it is necessary to mention that labor pressure increased in each work group, although not in a negative way, based on the fact that the employees felt the need to assert the trust that the client had deposited. in the company to achieve greater achievements. In this way, I highlight that the group synergy increased significantly, the workers began to be more motivated, more organized, and the sales volume gradually increased. Although as I mentioned before, depending on the season there was a greater or lesser volume of sales. In general, the group seemed more proactive, that is, they did not wait for the sale to knock on the door, but now they were going to look for it. They had the calendar on available boats always updated, they made calls with better proposals to potential clients, they negotiated new boats that were not within the fleet, they made an effort to negotiate better with clients in such a way that the profit left by a single sale was greater , sales were no longer an individual priority but a group priority, therefore the road was left ready when a worker left shift so that the worker who came in would only worry about getting more sales. The motivation on the part of the workers remained constant for several months but little by little the employees began to feel stressed, sales returned to their usual rhythm. Although everyone worked and did their tasks corresponding to their jobs, we managers could see that dissatisfaction was still present. It is pertinent to mention that every company with a considerable number of personnel requires a human resources department, this department must manage everything related to the workers. In the case of Ready to Answer, the company did not have a human resources department, which made the implementation of the different strategies even more difficult. It was vital for this company that a department be dedicated exclusively to attacking job 39 dissatisfaction, that they be implementing strategy after strategy and learn what works and what doesn't, in this way. If this organization wants to improve both in production and in other areas, it should consider creating a department that manages the company's human resources and ensures a motivated and satisfied staff, as well as ensuring an excellent physical and psychological work environment. Regarding policies, it is necessary for the company to review these and try not to try to contact workers during non-working times, this greatly influences having a healthy environment, since a worker needs to disconnect from their work and have time leisure, free time from work activities and any communication with the company. After living this experience, it is very easy for me to identify when a company manages good levels of job satisfaction, identifying what the work environment is like is something that I always seek to try to know before working in an organization. It is very important for me to work in a company where people are satisfied with their work because in this way I can get that energy and give the best of myself. Despite this, the reality is different and people are constantly hired in companies that do not properly manage their staff, but are forced to accept the job due to personal needs. It is very enriching to have this type of knowledge and to have made this proposal for a real company because in this way I was able to realize that having a company is not just hiring personnel and placing them to do specific tasks, an organization needs personalized management of all its departments. Finally, the most positioned companies in the market are those that care about their staff, so much so that their workers give their best and enjoy their work.