Teaching practicum written report

This experience allowed me to apply and consolidate my critical thinking skills and propose solutions to problems in different contexts. I used a combination of theoretical knowledge acquired during my academic process in the Foreign Languages program and practical aspects of professional reality le...

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Julio Paternina, Sebastian
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de Cartagena
Repositorio Universidad de Cartagena
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Palabra clave:
Habilidades de pensamiento crítico
Método en el contexto del aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras
Summary:This experience allowed me to apply and consolidate my critical thinking skills and propose solutions to problems in different contexts. I used a combination of theoretical knowledge acquired during my academic process in the Foreign Languages program and practical aspects of professional reality learned through my teaching practicum. I contributed to improving the educational process at the school where I carried out my practicums, strengthening its educational project. In addition, I had the opportunity to demonstrate that I am a professional capable of proposing and using scientific research as a tool that enables the improvement of sociocultural processes, especially those in the field of education. Another important point to highlight is that, through this experience, due to the need to be aware of the particularities and advantages of the Montessori method and the lack of available information about its applicability to the teaching of foreign languages, I had the opportunity to learn about different approaches, theories, and methodologies in the field of education. This allowed me to have a broader and more diverse perspective on education. Through reflective practice, I concluded that the most significant impact of this educational experience on me was its promotion of my professional and personal growth. This led me to become an educational actor capable of developing comprehensive teaching processes that are human-centered and responsive to the needs of my students. These processes offer meaningful learning that stimulates motivation and interest, and that encourages students to play an active role in their education and to take ownership of it. This, in turn, allows students to recognize themselves as members of society and to reflect on how they can contribute to it from their role.