Propuesta de un plan de mejoramiento en el almacenamiento de insumos de la empresa Prosegur de Colombia sucursal Cali

ABSTRACT “PROPUESTA DE UN PLAN DE MEJORAMIENTO EN EL ALMACENAMIENTO DE INSUMOS DE LA EMPRESA PROSEGUR DE COLOMBIA” This project whose objective is to design a proposal that allows to improve the handling of the inputs inside the warehouse and at the same time an agile and fast management of the inve...

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Celis Salazar, Mayron Alejandro
Tipo de recurso:
Trabajo de grado de pregrado
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Antonio Nariño
Repositorio UAN
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Palabras clave: Almacén de insumos, organización, codificación, referenciación, nomenclatura, stock de seguridad, punto de reorden, tamaño óptimo del lote y costo total del inventario.
Keywords: Warehouse of inputs, organization, coding, referencing, nomenclature, security stock, reordering point, optimal lot size and total cost of inventory.
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Summary:ABSTRACT “PROPUESTA DE UN PLAN DE MEJORAMIENTO EN EL ALMACENAMIENTO DE INSUMOS DE LA EMPRESA PROSEGUR DE COLOMBIA” This project whose objective is to design a proposal that allows to improve the handling of the inputs inside the warehouse and at the same time an agile and fast management of the inventories, was prepared by Celis Salazar Mayron Alejandro to apply for the degree of Industrial Engineer of the University Antonio Nariño Cali-Farallones in the year 2020. The proposal was advanced with a qualitative-quantitative methodology, as well as descriptive and explanatory in turn. As a research method, emphasis is placed on analysis accompanied by periods of observation and the deductive method. It is a proposal that is an intrinsic part of the training of an industrial engineer and is of great value to increase his professional practice. The proposal identifies all those variables that, as part of the inventory storage system, can be improved in order to transform the current system of warehouse organization and inventory management, which is causing innumerable problems not only for the finances and the operation of the company but also for both internal and external customers. The proposal manages to establish a basic nomenclature for determining the location of inputs in the warehouse, establishes the correct coding and referencing, as well as an appropriate organization, based on the improved use of the PHVA methodologies, continuous improvement and the 5s. One of the most important achievements of the proposal is to define for the different inputs the security stock, the rearrangement point, the optimal size of the lot to order and the total cost of the inventory.