Aproximando la didáctica del curso de Corrientes Pedagógicas a una estrategia de investigación social para estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras

Corrientes Pedagógicas Contemporáneas course is offered in the Foreign Languages program, School of Languages at University of Antioquia. This paper provides a didactic proposal for this course that constructed four activities from which the theoretical content of educational approaches was analyzed...

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Díaz Monsalve, Ana Elsy
Quiroz Posada, Ruth Elena
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Derechos de autor 2017 Revista Temas
Summary:Corrientes Pedagógicas Contemporáneas course is offered in the Foreign Languages program, School of Languages at University of Antioquia. This paper provides a didactic proposal for this course that constructed four activities from which the theoretical content of educational approaches was analyzed together with an additional research activity involving a qualitative strategy named documentary research.The students participating in the class project, 37 in total, provided additional information through a survey. The method of critical discourse analysis (Van Dijk, 2003) was applied to this survey showing the contributions obtained as a result of the didactic proposal development, with regard to the learning of content on educational approaches and professional training as teachers in a projective way. The results were classified into the following thematic lines: Assessing of educational knowledge, Encouraging of critical educational thinking, Getting new significance of their future teaching role, Assessing of the didactic proposal, Awareness of the limits in their educational knowledge, and integration of cognition with affection, one of the findings was the appreciation of teachers union by the students.