La identidad de los estudiantes con su propio campo de estudio a través de la lectura y la escritura

The purpose of this article is to share the results of an investigation into students’ identity as future psychologists through academic literary practices in English. The study provided students an appropriated environment, based on topics about psychology, which was characterized by the students f...

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Arias-Rodríguez, Gladis Leonor
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Palabra clave:
academic literacy
English language practice
language acquisition
psychology students’ identity
adquisición del lenguaje
identidad de los estudiantes de psicología
lectura y escritura académica
práctica del idioma inglés
acquisition de connaissances en langue
identité des étudiants de psychologie
littératie académique
stage de langue en anglais
alfabetização acadêmica
aquisição de linguagem
identidade dos estudantes de psicologia
prática de língua inglesa
Derechos de autor 2017 Quaestiones Disputatae: temas en debate
Summary:The purpose of this article is to share the results of an investigation into students’ identity as future psychologists through academic literary practices in English. The study provided students an appropriated environment, based on topics about psychology, which was characterized by the students free production. They had the opportunity to make their own choices, as well as discuss, analyze, give opinions or diagnosis about the topics studied (annex 8). Data was collected through students’ journals, written samples and semi-structured interviews. The findings showed the students’ identity with their own field of study along the following aspects: the literacy practices enabled them to read and write about topics of daily life from a critical view point, they were building their identity through their interest for analysing and arguing problematic situations; additionally, the use of specialized vocabulary, along with the linking of theory and practice are evidenced in this study.