Narración oral de cuentos y poemas para niños del Asentamiento Humano Helechales. Informe diagnóstico y proyección

The goal of this research paper is to present the diagnosis and its analysis that has served as a starting point for the project Oral storytelling and poems for children in the Human Settlement Helechales. Social inclusion and training language beings. This is an ongoing project that is also to enco...

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Vanegas Athías, Beatriz
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Derechos de autor 2017 Espiral, Revista de Docencia e Investigación
Summary:The goal of this research paper is to present the diagnosis and its analysis that has served as a starting point for the project Oral storytelling and poems for children in the Human Settlement Helechales. Social inclusion and training language beings. This is an ongoing project that is also to encourage reading in a vulnerable community whose extreme poverty (thirty -one children) in the Human Settlement Helechales, located in the Eastern Transversal, Floridablanca, Santander (Colombia). They are confined to overcrowding in slams. This project helps them to be socially included. This is because every time a boy or a girl hears or reads a story, he discovers that books are objects that have multiple meanings, and that in every session, when he opens the “Once upon a time ...” and closes the book with “... the Colorín Colorado ...”, the expressions work, explicitly and implicitly, in building a sense of his spirit and his being as a citizen. The methodology used is action research, qualitative research paradigm.Partial results of the project emerge from a systemic analytical process guided by tools such as the survey, the interview and theoretical principles. Thus, five categories were identified from the fieldwork in the community Asohelechales: 1. Readers’ tastes/ habits; 2. Entertainment 3. Demographic information (family conformation, income, parents’ educational level, access to media) 4. Beliefs and imaginary; 5. Citizenship (Inclusion -exclusion) Participation, rights recognition.