Reflexiones en torno a la reprobación estudiantil, desigualdad social y equidad de género en estudiantes de licenciatura

The present study is part of a research initiative conducted at the University of Guadalajara during the period of 2009-2012. Its objective is to take a comprehensive approach to the analysis of factors which, from the perspective of students enrolled, impact academic failure among Bachelor's d...

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Silva Gutiérrez, Blanca Noemí
Rodríguez Téllez, Amada Lydia
Vicente Flores, Raúl
Ruíz de Alba, Miguel Antonio
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Derechos de autor 2017 Espiral, Revista de Docencia e Investigación
Summary:The present study is part of a research initiative conducted at the University of Guadalajara during the period of 2009-2012. Its objective is to take a comprehensive approach to the analysis of factors which, from the perspective of students enrolled, impact academic failure among Bachelor's degree candidates at the Centro Universitario de Ciencias Económico Administrativas—CUCEA—who find themselves under irregular status by virtue of articles 33, 34, and 35 of University Standards and Regulations. It is worth noting that student failure is a manifestation of the problems induced by social inequality—although failed students were once granted the opportunity to attend the university as a result of a highly competitive selection process, as matriculated students they face situations rooted in a socio-economical and institutional context that cause them to experience a possible expulsion from the major of their choosing due to rigid institutional criteria for classroom attendance as well as a lack of support and effective programs for the vulnerable group in question. It is also worth analyzing academic achievement from a gender perspective, as student performance exhibits positive indicators among women in terms of a higher matriculation than men (56.6%) as well as a lower index of failure (42%). This article provides an analysis of the factors that incite failure among students and outlines proposals that will allow their advancement in the educational process.