Estimación del índice de agresividad climática bajo escenarios de cambio climático en la cuenca de Ubaté y Suárez

This study evaluated the aggressiveness of precipitation using the Fournier Index – IF, Modified Fournier Index – IMF and precipitation concentration index – ICP, in the Ubaté – Suárez Basin in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá, and its future behavior considering climate change scenarios,...

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Cepeda-García, Magnolia
Mena-Rentería, Darwin
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Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Palabra clave:
agresividad climática
escenarios de cambio climático
índice de concentración de la precipitación
índice de Fournier
índice modificado de Fournier
agressividade climática
cenários de mudança climática
Índice de Concentração da Precipitação
Índice de Fournier
Índice Modificado de Fournier
Derechos de autor 2016 Ingenio Magno
Summary:This study evaluated the aggressiveness of precipitation using the Fournier Index – IF, Modified Fournier Index – IMF and precipitation concentration index – ICP, in the Ubaté – Suárez Basin in the departments of Cundinamarca and Boyacá, and its future behavior considering climate change scenarios, established by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC and adopted in Colombia by the  National Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies – IDEAM.  The analysis was carried out over two different time scales decennial and inter-annual, in which it was concluded that the climatic aggressiveness indexes are greater for the current period (1971-2010), with respect to the predicted data in climate change scenarios, furthermore in IF at least 70% of the territory exceeded a value of 200mm which indicates a very high level of aggressiveness, whereas for the IMF in 100% of cases, independently of the different climate change scenarios applied and periods, had a very high level of climate aggressiveness exceeding by far the limit of 400m, as for the ICP, it shows moderately seasonal to uniform values in the different scenarios and periods.