Características de un modelo para la gestión del conocimiento en instituciones de educación superior

Inadequate knowledge management in organizations leads to processes with high variability, inefficiency, reduces the potential for innovation and ultimately results in economic losses. This is more critical for organizations that work directly with knowledge, as in the case of institutions of higher...

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Calle Ujueta, Martha Lucía
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
knowledge management
quality management system
integration of management systems
institutions of higher education.
gestión del conocimiento
sistema de gestión de la calidad
integración de sistemas de gestión
instituciones de educación superior
Summary:Inadequate knowledge management in organizations leads to processes with high variability, inefficiency, reduces the potential for innovation and ultimately results in economic losses. This is more critical for organizations that work directly with knowledge, as in the case of institutions of higher education.As the system of quality management focuses on the development, communication and preservation of knowledge deemed necessary to achieve the satisfaction of customer needs, it is possible to identify points of convergence of this system with the knowledge of management theories.This research carries out a comprehensive analysis regarding various theories of knowledge management, and finally selects the Nonaka and Takeuchi theories as the most similar to the ISO 9001 management model and after comparing the two models developed a proposal of integration between them. The proposal applies, as a pilot test, to the Red de Laboratorios Interfacultades de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Bogotá, which is certified with the ISO 9001 model, in order to optimize resources, avoid blackouts due to rotation and retirement of personnel, improve the visibility of laboratories and strengthen its impact on the community