Avatar-habitar-actuar. Jóvenes en las redes sociales virtuales: ¿habitantes, navegantes o actores digitales?

This article has as its central axis the question how collective action and political practices of youth groups with a presence in the social network Facebook, can be considered ways of living and configuring virtual scenarios, while contributing to the construction and performance of young people a...

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Gil, Mónica Eliana García
Serna, Edwin Arcesio Gómez
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Copyright (c) 2014 Universidad Santo Tomás
Summary:This article has as its central axis the question how collective action and political practices of youth groups with a presence in the social network Facebook, can be considered ways of living and configuring virtual scenarios, while contributing to the construction and performance of young people as political subjects. It seeks an approach to the relationship between practices of political participation and ways of living, creating identities (political, mainly) and relationships in virtual scenarios in the context of characteristics imposed by the cyberspace and the cyberculture. From this relationship a link to the processes of construction of the public and the exercise of citizenship is produced, supported in both categories of communication and politics, namely establishing ,mediation (Debray; Torrico; Martín-Barbero), political participation, practices of political participation (Alvarado,; Vommaro; Aguilera; Botero and Torres; Balardini; Pisani and Piotet; Rueda; Saintout) political culture (López de la Roche), what’s public, citizenship and young people as political subjects. We also incorporate the categories living (Michael de Certeau), cyber-space and cyber-culture (Castells; Pierre Lévy; Rocío Rueda) and the construction of identities (individual and collectives) in the cyber-space (Turkle; Piscitelli; Castells; Finquelievich). This research has a qualitative approach and supports its instruments and strategies for collecting information on ethnographic principles, with emphasis on virtual ethnography. The analysis of the information is hermeneutical, from monitoring groups, pages and profiles created on Facebook, along with interviews with some of the research subjects.