La libertad de la persona en la Ley Fundamental de Alemania según la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Federal

Following the legal safeguards created during the Middle Ages and early modernperiod (Magna Charta Libertatum, Habeas Corpus Act), the German constitutionguarantees individuals’ freedom as a substantive fundamental right (art. 2 par. 2s. 2). This is supplemented by a formal protection in the form of...

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Lorenz, Dieter
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Palabra clave:
Custodial sentence
European Convention on Human Rights
life imprisonment
preventive detention
cadena perpetua
Convención Europea de Derechos Humanos
custodia de seguridad
detención preventiva
Derechos de autor 2016 IUSTA
Summary:Following the legal safeguards created during the Middle Ages and early modernperiod (Magna Charta Libertatum, Habeas Corpus Act), the German constitutionguarantees individuals’ freedom as a substantive fundamental right (art. 2 par. 2s. 2). This is supplemented by a formal protection in the form of judges reservingthe right to intervene in case of any deprivation of liberty (art. 104 par. 2, 3). Thelegal scope of this right has been substantially developed in the case law of theFederal Constitutional Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht, BVerfG).Here, judges have emphasized the special weight of personal freedom in cases ofinfringement (for example, detention awaiting trial or preventive detention) anddemanded a complementary procedural protection of this fundamental right.The legal stance on the personal freedom of foreigners (in the cases of asylum,deportation or extradition) is evaluated differently. Mentally ill persons’ right toself-determination in relation to restrictions of freedom and medical treatment(freedom to have a disease) has been acknowledged and strengthened. As initiatedby the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the BVerfG, preventativedetention has been newly regulated amid the separation of execution of sentenceand the emphasis on rehabilitation.