Estrategias educomunicativas para la formación de comportamientos ambientales responsables en escenarios empresariales: Síntesis de la experiencia en la planta de Coca-Cola, sede Bucaramanga

Textual typology and objective. The following article of research belongs to the line named Environmental Education and sustainable development, which is based on the research project entitled “Design of an educomunicative strate∫gy for the promotion of environmental behaviors in Coca Cola, Bucarama...

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Sánchez Flórez, Andrea
Salinas Peñaloza, Wilfredo
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Derechos de autor 2017 Espiral, Revista de Docencia e Investigación
Summary:Textual typology and objective. The following article of research belongs to the line named Environmental Education and sustainable development, which is based on the research project entitled “Design of an educomunicative strate∫gy for the promotion of environmental behaviors in Coca Cola, Bucaramanga,” whose objective is to introduce how an experience of exploration and educational intervention has transcended the conventional dynamics of education in school spaces and is developed effectively in business scenarios.Methodology. The article summarizes a process of educational intervention with an action research approach with a case study methodology (Martínez, 2006, p. 175), in which the phases, procedures and discoveries can be identified regarding the advertising of responsible environmental behaviors in adults whose function is to be operators of the different production processes in an industrial plant as an action setting.Results. The transformations in the perceptions and the understanding of the population participating in the project, regarding to the knowledge of environmental strategies which are responsible for productive processes, as well as the pertinence of the educomunicative strategy designed, evaluated and applied to produce such transformations in the staff of Coca-Cola, Bucaramanga.Conclusions. In conclusion, the article explains the changes regarding the perceptions ande the daily behaviors that were evidenced in the levels of resource and energy consumption in the productive processes as well as the incidence of the strategy in these transformations, applied to the workers of the plant.