Planeamiento de caminos y trayectorias mediante algoritmos genéticos y campos de potencial para un robot móvil

The path planning and the trajectory generation are two important aspects for provide autonomy to a mobile robot. Adding variables as the type of sensors used, the physical configuration of the robot and its environment either fixed or changing and other is possible to provide robust solutions that...

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Tibaduiza Burgos, Diego Alexander
Barrero Pérez, Jaime Guillermo
Martínez Ángel, Roberto
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Copyright (c) 2011 ITECKNE
Summary:The path planning and the trajectory generation are two important aspects for provide autonomy to a mobile robot. Adding variables as the type of sensors used, the physical configuration of the robot and its environment either fixed or changing and other is possible to provide robust solutions that work to provide autonomy to the robots. This article presents two algorithms for path planning in a mobile robot with differential configuration, although as will be shown can be generalized to other configurations. The first of these techniques is based on an emulation of the methodology known as potential fields and the second makes use of genetic algorithms for obtaining the paths. For the evaluation of the strategies was designed a platform that include an artificial vision system, wireless communication and mobile robots with differential configuration.