El principio de coordinación del contrato de prestación de servicios regulado en la Ley 80/1993

Provision of services agreements are inside of the contractual typology compiled in the law 80 from 1993. Those are consecrated as a cause of direct contract inside of literal h, article 02 of the Law 1150 from 2007. Those contracts have been celebrated by the state entities being analyzed in many o...

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Martínez Blanco, Tania Carolina
Daza López, Nubia Lorena
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Universidad Santo Tomás
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Palabra clave:
Contractor Selection
Provision of Services Agreement
Coordination Principle
Reality Primacy Principle Over Formalities
Selección del contratista
Contrato de Prestación de Servicios
Principio de coordinación
Principio de primacía de la realidad sobre las formalidades
Sélection du contractant
Contrat de prestation de services
Principe de coordination
Principe de la primauté de la réalité sur les formalités
Selecção do contratante
Contrato de Prestação de Serviços
Princípio da coordenação
Princípio da primazia da realidade sobre as formalidades
Summary:Provision of services agreements are inside of the contractual typology compiled in the law 80 from 1993. Those are consecrated as a cause of direct contract inside of literal h, article 02 of the Law 1150 from 2007. Those contracts have been celebrated by the state entities being analyzed in many occasions. In this case, this article will focus on the reality primacy principle over the formalities facing to the activities’ execution coordination principle. Therefore, it takes on a higher relevance by the paradigm change of the Council State from a progressive position, in which it argues, even though, it is not possible to infringe it to the contractor, constitutional principles like those on the article 53 of the Political Constitution of 1991. . Besides, it is true that the contractor must carry out the activities for the entity in the frame of the entity mission and duties related to the Constitution or the law.