Norma ISO 50001 Mecanismo facilitador que fortalece la gestión pública en organizaciones del Estado

The management of energy efficiency in public sector entities requires advances and tools that allow its measurement and integration into the other applicable management systems, this is how the NTC-ISO 50001: 2019 provides an adequate framework for such management. A bank of tools integrated into a...

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Díaz Méndez, Edwin Gustavo
Hernandez Cruz, Harold Wilson
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Energy efficiency
ISO 50001
Public sector
Consumption baseline
Austerity of spending
Environmental impact
Eficiencia energética
ISO 50001
Sector público
Línea base de consumo
Austeridad del gasto
Impacto ambiental
Eficiência energética
ISO 50001
Setor Público
linha de base do consumo
Austeridade dos gastos
impacto ambiental
Derechos de autor 2021 SIGNOS - Investigación en sistemas de gestión
Summary:The management of energy efficiency in public sector entities requires advances and tools that allow its measurement and integration into the other applicable management systems, this is how the NTC-ISO 50001: 2019 provides an adequate framework for such management. A bank of tools integrated into a web portal is proposed that revolves mainly around three elements; the first one associated with the creation of a consumption baseline, the second element is a measurement instrument integrated with the MIPG that allows establishing the degree of maturity associated with the NTC ISO 50001: 2019 controls implemented within the entity and, finally, a set of guides, formats, and guiding documents for the implementation of the EnMS published on a web portal. Result of the evaluation of experts and the application of the diagnosis and the baseline methodology, it was evidenced that the result of the research provides elements that allow evaluating the management, administration, control and continuous improvement based on the efficient use of energy and, hence, greater austerity in public spending.