La decisión judicial en los casos difíciles: el caso del asbesto en Colombia y una solución progresista desde una óptica iuspositivista

In judicial decision theory, "difficult" or "critical" cases are usually a paradigm in which the difference between the two most important currents of legal thought in Latin America ―iusmoralism and iuspositivism― when facing and deciding them, but also between the methods and ar...

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Zambrano Sanjuán, Carlos Andrés
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
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Palabra clave:
asbestos in Colombia
difficult cases
human rights
hard law and soft law
international environmental protection instruments applicable in Colombia
interpretative-subjunctive method
protection of the environment and human health
asbesto en Colombia
casos difíciles
derechos humanos
hard law y soft law
instrumentos internacionales de protección del medio ambiente aplicables en Colombia
método interpretativo-subsuntivo
protección del medio ambiente y la salud de las personas
amianto na Colômbia
casos difíceis
direitos humanos
hard law e soft law
instrumentos internacionais de proteção do meio ambiente aplicáveis na Colômbia
método interpretativo-subsuntivo, proteção do meio ambiente e da saúde das pessoas
Summary:In judicial decision theory, "difficult" or "critical" cases are usually a paradigm in which the difference between the two most important currents of legal thought in Latin America ―iusmoralism and iuspositivism― when facing and deciding them, but also between the methods and argumentative resources used to support such decision, is most clearly revealed. In this order of ideas, it is normal in part of the doctrine and the legal and academic community, especially in recent times, to consider that an advanced, "progressive" or, in general, "reasonable and compatible with constitutional postulates” solution can only be possible through the application of the iusmoralist method, while through iuspositivism these solutions tend to be “unreasonable”, “lacking in content”, “formalistic” or, in general, do not consult the "principles of justice" and constitutional postulates. We will analyze in this paper that this is not correct and how, by the interpretative-subjunctive method typical of critical iuspositivism —or of the 20th century—, it is not only possible to reach a decision that is compatible both with the laws applicable to the case and with the social and legal demands and needs, but that, in addition, contains a more reasonable, solid and structured rationale and justification through the use of argumentative rules, as well as a clear and direct discursive process, which in itself allows its scrutiny, control and verification, necessary to legitimize any public decision within a democratic society.