Análisis biomecánico de la técnica de ejecución en el arranque de ciclismo de pista entre deportista semiprofesional y amateur

In this work, the biomechanical study of track cycling start was carried out, this study was based on the analysis of motion by videometry. For the analysis, Kinovea was used, a free open source software. Kinovea allows us to analyze angles and trajectories present in a video. The study was based on...

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García Coronado, Ricardo
Parra Borda, Julián A.
Torres Pérez, Yolanda
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
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Palabra clave:
Análisis biomecánico; ciclismo de pista; curvas cinemáticas; deportista ama-teur; deportista semiprofesional
Biomechanical AnalysisM; Track Cycling; Kinematic Curves; Amateur Athlete; Se-mi-Professional Athlete
Análise biomecânica; ciclismo de pista; curvas cinematográficas; atleta ama-dor; atleta semi-profissional
Copyright (c) 2019 Ingenio Magno
Summary:In this work, the biomechanical study of track cycling start was carried out, this study was based on the analysis of motion by videometry. For the analysis, Kinovea was used, a free open source software. Kinovea allows us to analyze angles and trajectories present in a video. The study was based on the start of track cycling in two athletes, a girl member of the Boyacá selection of mi-nors, race of champions with semiprofessional level and the other athlete is a university student with little experience in the field of track cycling. The comparison between these two competitors is presented in order to establish certain characteristics that can become very important and determining factors in the execution of the start of this sport. It was found that the torque exer-ted by the foot in relation to the pedal of the semi-professional athlete is greater than that of the amateur athlete, this is due to the angulation that was formed at the moment of generating the pedaling. When studying the initial results, we reach the conclusion of a post intervention that seeks to improve the execution capacity in the start of track cycling, for this intervention the hei-ghts of the saddle are changed in the amateur athlete, in addition to this, the grip of the handlebar (ergopower) since this is a very important factor that affects the position of the saddle as the po-sition of the foot in relation to the pedal. It is concluded that by making corrective measures that improve postural errors good performance and good execution of the sport, in addition to this, injuries and alterations in the execution technique of the start of track cycling will be avoided.