Diseño e implementación de un dispositivo inalámbrico monitor de variables con adquisición de datos por telegram

The article introduces the design, development and implementation of a wireless transmission system for monitoring the behavior of five physical variables through Telegram. The strategy of data acquisition regardless of the location in which the user who monitors these variables is located and which...

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Lozada, Johan Alexis
Muñoz Melendez, Daniel Fernando
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
electricity, electronics, environment, Internet
brújula; estación climática; humedad; internet de las cosas; lux; telegram; temperatura
electricidad, electronica, medio ambiente, internet
internet de las cosas; plataforma Bot Telegram; transmisión; Raspberry Pi 2; sensores
eletricidade, eletrônico meio Ambiente, internet
compass; weather station; humidity; internet; lux; telegram; temperature
Copyright (c) 2018 Ingenio Magno
Summary:The article introduces the design, development and implementation of a wireless transmission system for monitoring the behavior of five physical variables through Telegram. The strategy of data acquisition regardless of the location in which the user who monitors these variables is located and which can be viewed by any mobile device, is based on the Telegram API that provides the possibility to consult during the 24 hours of the day the behavior of the wireless device variables in the area or place being evaluated. Each of the sensors used is described, the signal conditioning stage for the connection with the ATSAMD21G18 microcontroller, which has the function of capturing and digitizing the analog signals of the sensors in order to carry out the transmission stage. In addition, we will deepen the operation of the Telegram API and the respective connections for data acquisition. The variables to be measured are temperature, humidity, compass, inclination lux.