Perspectivas del consumismo infantil desde la alianza del pacífico

The juridical Latin-American classifications have worried for the protection of the children, girls and teenagers, designing normative tending to the judicial effective guardianship of the most vulnerable persons, for this reason, they find legal dispositions of current interest, in order to evaluat...

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Valderrama Velandia, José Eduardo
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
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Palabra clave:
child consumption
statute of consumer
alianza of the pacific ocean.
consumismo infantil
estatuto de consumidor
alianza del pacifico
consommation des enfants
statut des consommateurs
alliance Pacifique
consumerismo infantil
estatuto do consumidor
aliança do Pacífico
Derechos de autor 2019 Principia Iuris
Summary:The juridical Latin-American classifications have worried for the protection of the children, girls and teenagers, designing normative tending to the judicial effective guardianship of the most vulnerable persons, for this reason, they find legal dispositions of current interest, in order to evaluate the normative set compared with the countries of the Alliance of the Pacific Ocean, specially in the relating thing to the child consumer. It is not a secret that the children, girls, and teenagers influence considerably in the familiar economy, and they turn into important agents of market to the moment of the consumption of goods and services. For example, the importance in the supply that the World Health Organization, and the Pan- American Organization of the Health they have established important schemes to protect the health in the infancy and the adolescence. To realize a comparative analysis of the normatividad tending to the protection of the consumer in the legislations of the countries as Chile, Peru, Mexico allows an initial boarding to evaluate the legal Colombian situation.