Modelo de gestión de información y el conocimiento para el análisis de la cadena productiva del café en el eslabón de comercialización para el municipio de Moniquirá-Boyacá- Colombia

In the Department of Boyacá, in the province of Ricaurte the cultivation of coffee is one of the products that has had great impact in recent times, given the quality of the grain that is produced, this due to climate, lands and geographical conditions of the region that favor it. During the year 20...

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Cárdenas Arias, Derly Yolima
Caro Gutiérrez, Leidy Marcela
Caro Pedreros, Jevis Yamid
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
OAI Identifier:
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:
productive cha in
Knowledge Mana­gement
lnformation Management
Added Value
Competitive Advantage
cadena productiva
gestión del conoci­miento
gestión de información
valor agregado
ventaja competitiva
chaí'ne de production
gestion des con­naissances
gestion de l'information
valeur ajoutée
avantage concurrentiel
cadeia produtiva
gestao do conheci­mento
gestao da informaçao
agregaçao de valor
vantagem competitiva
Derechos de autor 2019 In Vestigium Ire
Summary:In the Department of Boyacá, in the province of Ricaurte the cultivation of coffee is one of the products that has had great impact in recent times, given the quality of the grain that is produced, this due to climate, lands and geographical conditions of the region that favor it. During the year 2017, in the department of Boyacá, 8,065,974 kilos of coffee were harvested, in around 37 municipalities, Moni­quirá, the capital of the province of Ricaurte, being the largest producer with 1,091,973 kilos (Carolina LealAcosta, 2018). Given the high coffee production that the municipality represents far the department, there is evi­dence of the need to guarantee the effective and agile sale of the product at regional, national and international levels. However, it lacks an information and knowledge sys­tem that facilitates the commercialization processes to attack the existing sales gaps from the producer to the final consumer.Therefore, this article seeks a solution alter­native to the analysis of the coffee produc­tion chain from the commercialization link, since the coffee production chain exposed by the National Planning Department (NPD) does not contemplate the commercialization link, being this necessary to complete the production process.This is why the aim is to characterize and analyze the production chain, in arder to propase an information management mo­del and also a technological strategic plan, which jointly allow generating greater com­petitiveness and added value to the mar­keting link of coffee in the municipality of Moniquirá.