Judicialización de los conflictos ambientales en el departamento del Chocó: ríos de mercurio

In Colombia, there is an exponential escalation of environmental conflicts, caused by the intensive use and exploitation of natural resources, which has generated an environmental crisis with little visibility, partly due to the neo-extractivist model adopted by the country. In the department of Cho...

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Echavarría-Rentería, Yeicy Lorena
Hinestroza-Cuesta, Lisneider
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
black communities
socio-environmental conflicts
water sources
environmental impact
conflict resolution mechanisms
illegal mining
comunidades negras
conflictos socioambientales
fuentes hídricas
impacto ambiental
mecanismos de resolución de conflictos
minería ilegal
comunidades negras
conflitos socioambientais
fontes hídricas
impacto ambiental
mecanismos de resolução de conflitos
mineração ilegal
Derechos de autor 2021 Autores/as
Summary:In Colombia, there is an exponential escalation of environmental conflicts, caused by the intensive use and exploitation of natural resources, which has generated an environmental crisis with little visibility, partly due to the neo-extractivist model adopted by the country. In the department of Chocó, one of the most biodiverse places in Colombia and the world, illegal mechanized mining and the armed conflict have generated serious environmental and social impacts, especially affecting water sources. This department is inhabited especially by black and indigenous communities, who have seen their ancestral territory, their way of life and their rights violated due to the indiscriminate exploitation of natural resources. Through an exploratory, documentary and analytical-descriptive research, this article focused on identifying the main socio-environmental conflicts related to water sources that were brought to court in recent years in the department of Chocó, characterizing them, determining their main actors and effects, and determining the effectiveness of the judicial process to resolve this type of conflict. The paper concluded that it is urgent for the Colombian State to recognize and guarantee the exercise of the black communities’ own conflict resolution mechanisms, which are an effective tool for resolving environmental disputes and guaranteeing access to justice in the most remote regions of the country.