La escuela frente al Sentido: una comprensión a partir de las narrativas docentes y a la luz de los principios franklianos

This paper exposes the axes that led the research “Schools and meaning: understanding based on teacher accounts and in the light of Frankl’s principles”. The objective is to communicate the understanding of descriptions that teachers build  around how the goals of education are consolidated during t...

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Duque Cruz, Óscar Yamith
Ramírez Aristizábal, Fidel Mauricio
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Universidad Santo Tomás
Repositorio Institucional USTA
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Palabra clave:
School and meaning
teaching activities
intentions of education
teacher accounts
Summary:This paper exposes the axes that led the research “Schools and meaning: understanding based on teacher accounts and in the light of Frankl’s principles”. The objective is to communicate the understanding of descriptions that teachers build  around how the goals of education are consolidated during their activities in order to establish the position of schools regarding meaning.The methodology strategy is based on a qualitative focus with a narrative approach. Therefore, the interviews that provoked the accounts by the teachers, and based on the objectives of the research, were developed around the topics of training, understanding of job-related activities and the description of their pedagogical methodologies. The intention was to understand how teachers successfully reach the goals of education through their performance. The results of the interview were confronted against a matrix to establish significant and common indicators to be compared with the theory of meaning developed by Victor Frankl.One of the most relevant conclusionsis that in spite of teachers acknowledging well-rounded education as the goal of their activities, such activities are oriented to the transferring of the knowledge of their area of expertise, without taking into account that they are professionals in education. This, in most cases, has led them to a standstill in their academic activities and to considering education trainingas unnecessary.