Evaluación de síntomas depresivos de policías activos del departamento de Sucre, entre 22 y 27 años de edad

The National Police is a permanent armed body of a civilian nature, in charge of the nation, whose primary purpose is to maintain the necessary for the exercise of the rights and liberties conditions and to ensure that the inhabitants of Colombia live together in peace ( Art . 218 CPC). It is for th...

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Contreras Pérez, Sandra Inés
Moreno Gómez, Jhon Javier
Riveros Oviedo, Ana Victoria
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Salud mental
Aaron Beck
Mental Health
Tesis - especialización en psicología clínica
Depresión (psicología)
Salud mental
Estado de ánimo (psicología)
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:The National Police is a permanent armed body of a civilian nature, in charge of the nation, whose primary purpose is to maintain the necessary for the exercise of the rights and liberties conditions and to ensure that the inhabitants of Colombia live together in peace ( Art . 218 CPC). It is for this reason and in compliance with its missionary spirit that Colombian police officers are exposed to violent, harmful and demanding situations. In the condition of excessive stress no demonstrations physical and psychological level that directly affect their police work and personal and family life. This research sought to know Evaluación de los síntomas depresivos de policías activos del departamento de Sucre entre 22 y 27 años de edad. The features of depression and percentage thereof in assets Sucre department officials, aged 22 to 27 years. Descriptive study of a non-experimental design, cross-cut was made the selection of the sample was not probabilistic type, the results show a high percentage in the characteristics of depression and traits selected features of Beck Depression Inventory.