Estrategias para la adquisición de información asociada a tráfico vehicular y su aplicación en mapas de ruido

This project addresses the acquisition of non-authoritative collaborative traffic flow data to predict the noise generated by urban roads, in order to do noise maps. For this, traffic information is acquired using collaborative platforms such as Google Maps, which gives the information of travel tim...

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Duque Gutiérrez, Carolina
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Artículo científico
Artículo de revisión
Estilos de citación
Mapas de ruido
Sistemas colaborativos
Función de correlación
Tráfico vehicular
Aforo vehicular
Review article
Scientific article
Citation styles
Noise map
Collaborative platforms
Correlation function
Traffic flow
Urban roads
Fuentes de sonido
Ingeniería de sonido
Ruido ambiental
Contaminación por ruido
Simulación acústica
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:This project addresses the acquisition of non-authoritative collaborative traffic flow data to predict the noise generated by urban roads, in order to do noise maps. For this, traffic information is acquired using collaborative platforms such as Google Maps, which gives the information of travel time and speed in a length path. To determine the traffic flow, it has been done a correlation of the amount of vehicles that travel with a specific speed in a certain type of road. For this, it was necessary to characterize the roads in the city of Medellń and to study its typical behavior with help of data taken in field by studentes of the Universidad de San Buenaventura and information given by the Secretaría de Movilidad of Medellín, and data taken from Google Maps. One of the methodologies proposed was to find the correlation by filling an area with the amount of vehicles that typically travels a specific road then according to the speed determinate the amount that circulate in certain time, taking into account the space between vehicles called Gap. Besides, it was studied the sensibility of the obtained data in terms of the noise emission doing some simulations with it. The proposed methodology has been tested in two areas of the city. The results indicate that it is possible to use Google Maps information to predict urban noise although further analysis are required to improve the estimation of traffic flow based on the type of road, speed and time travel