Nivel de actividad física y percepción de la calidad de vida en adultos asmáticos en una I.P.S de Cartagena de Indias

OBJECTIVE: To determine the level of physical activity and the perception of quality of life in asthmatic adults of an I.P.S de Cartagena de Indias. METHODS: Transversal descriptive study in 50 adult asthmatic patients attending the Comprehensive Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center Cartagena. The level...

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Aguilar Paternina, Karen
Coronado Nisperuza, María Victoria
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Actividad física
Calidad de vida
Nivel de actividad física
Physical activity
Quality of life
Physical activity level
Tesis - fisioterapia
Actividad física en adultos
Asma en adultos
Calidad de vida en la vejez
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:OBJECTIVE: To determine the level of physical activity and the perception of quality of life in asthmatic adults of an I.P.S de Cartagena de Indias. METHODS: Transversal descriptive study in 50 adult asthmatic patients attending the Comprehensive Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center Cartagena. The level of physical activity and the perception of quality of life were assessed by means of the Ipaq short and Saint George questionnaires, respectively. When finalizing the obtained data, they were entered in Excel data base, where the frequency and percentage of the variables were obtained, later organizing them in tables. RESULTS: In this study the average age of the adults was 56 years, the age understood was 61 and 70 with 28%, 64% belongs to the female gender. 32% did not complete their academic training, 28% belong to socioeconomic stratum 1. 38% are pensioners. There was equality in single marital status and married with 32%. The BMI was established at normal weight with 38%, 56% had a low level of physical activity. Finally, the quality of life is seriously compromised with 50% for the general total. CONCLUSION: The majority of the population studied has limitations in the quality of life and a low level of physical activity. For this reason, recommendations were made to the IPS to promote the realization of physical activity and strategies to improve locality of life