Análisis de los riesgos laborales y ambientales del transporte marítimo de hidrocarburos en Colombia

This article seeks to outline the various labor and environmental hazards encountered in the maritime transport of hydrocarbons in Colombia, the relevance in this constant use of maritime activity, as well as the positive involvement of hydrocarbons in the life of man is established, but on the othe...

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Rocha Gomez, Tania
Tipo de recurso:
Fecha de publicación:
Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
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Palabra clave:
Transporte marítimo
Riesgos laborales
Impacto ambientales
Maritime transport
Occupation risks
Environmental impact
Tesis - administración de comercio internacional
Artículo de reflexión para grado
Riegos laborales
Riesgos ambientales
Transporte de hidrocarburos
Impacto ambiental
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:This article seeks to outline the various labor and environmental hazards encountered in the maritime transport of hydrocarbons in Colombia, the relevance in this constant use of maritime activity, as well as the positive involvement of hydrocarbons in the life of man is established, but on the other hand, and with a high degree of concern a number of occupational hazards and environmental impact that not being handled properly can cause a major disaster on marine and terrestrial biota, so preventive strategies are discussed arise to control and minimize both labor and environmental incidents, one of the tools involved is representing occupational health or safety of workers handling these vessels. This work is theoretical and reflective type and is based on a documentary and descriptive study, with both texts and specialized reports, theses and refereed journals. The analysis of labor and environmental maritime transport of hydrocarbons in Colombia risks, makes evident the current problems of the whole process that is subject to this trade by ship from the port to the start point of arrival, both the environment external (environmental) and internal (working environment).