Factores de riesgo que conllevan a caídas o accidentes en el adulto mayor y sus consecuencias: revisión sistemática

Human development establishes the capacities acquired over the years on an emotional, physical and mental level; All these are useful in life and allow growth and harmonious relationship with the environment and society. This development also shows that the stage of adulthood is a process of loss of...

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Julio García, Maura Alejandra
Díaz Berrio, Natalia Andrea
Tipo de recurso:
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Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
OAI Identifier:
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Palabra clave:
Accidentes por caídas
Factores de riesgo
Tesis - fisioterapia
Artículo de revisión para grado
Traumatismos en ancianos
Caídas accidentales en ancianos
Fracturas en ancianos
Accidentes en ancianos
Factores de riesgo
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:Human development establishes the capacities acquired over the years on an emotional, physical and mental level; All these are useful in life and allow growth and harmonious relationship with the environment and society. This development also shows that the stage of adulthood is a process of loss of functionality, because they begin to trigger characteristics of age and decrease their ability to function in the world. For all the above it is intended to identify risk factors associated with the falls of adults, consequences that trigger and actions that can be implemented. Objective: Identify the risk factors that lead to falls or accidents in the elderly; and the health determinants that these trigger. Methodology: A bibliographic search of epidemiological studies was conducted in the databases SciencieDirect, Pubmed, Scopus, Redalyc and Google Scholar that included AM that have suffered falls. Results: 40 articles were condensed, where only 14 were included; which had as main theme the falls in the MA, the risk factors that lead to them and their consequences. Conclusion: A fall in the AM, can have serious consequences, and even cause the death to the individual. That is why this article aims to identify the risk factors that cause falls to the AM; in order to mitigate incidence rates and look for strategies to adapt the environment in which they operate