Eco Hotel Manglares de Barú: Cubiculum Imitantem – habitaciones ecológicas desmontables

The present project investigates, documents and makes a proposal of solution to the environmental present problematics in Barú's Island, which meets reflected in the deterioration of the ecosystem, owed in great way to the indiscriminate felling of mangrove, beach landfill for construction (in...

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González Fuentes, Jorge Enrique
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Universidad de San Buenaventura
Repositorio USB
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Palabra clave:
Habitación Eco hotel
Infraestructura sostenible
Habitaciones ecológicas desmontables
Sostenibilidad ecológica
Conciencia cultural
Sustainable infrastructure
Ecological sustainability
Tesis - arquitectura
Habitaciones ecológicas
Ecoturismo - Isla Barú (Cartagena)
Sostenibilidad del medio ambiente
Hoteles - Cartagena (Colombia) - diseños
Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
Summary:The present project investigates, documents and makes a proposal of solution to the environmental present problematics in Barú's Island, which meets reflected in the deterioration of the ecosystem, owed in great way to the indiscriminate felling of mangrove, beach landfill for construction (in occasions of hotels that are in an illegal way and that do not give any public service) and the extraction of alive coral, between others. The principal intention of this work investigativo is to stimulate the implementation of the sustainable infrastructure, generated by the abstraction of the elements of the environment, characterized by the vanguardismo and modernization of the constructive system and of the materials used for his creation, managing to change color with the nature that surrounds it, respecting at the same time the value and the natural wealth of the zone; stimulating this way the tourist activities of direct interaction with the environment (flora and fauna) by means of the ecotourism. For it it becomes necessary to implement a methodology on a large scale zonal, that understands a macro I project (general project - Echo Hotel) and a mike I project (specific and / or punctual project - Module habitacional portable). In the first instance there will be analyzed the environmental and territorial conditions in Barú's Island, by virtue of establishing the parameters for the development of the project in general, then there will be analyzed the development of the hotel activity and ecoturística in Barú's Island like reference in the process of design of the macro I project, a natural tourist complex for Echo Hotel " Echo Hotel Barú's Swamps ". Then the methodological process of design will be elaborated as result of the analysis of the problematics, by means of the creation of volumetric conceptual compositions, which will give like proved the mike punctual project and product of this investigation, the module habitacional portable, renowned CUBICULUM IMITANTEM - Ecological Detachable and / or Portable Rooms, which will 17 develop inside the frame of the macro I project; with which a responsible tourism will promote in Barú's Island, coastal zone located to 45 minutes of Cartagena of indies, Colombia, famous for his waters turquoise; nowadays it is a place of great tourist summit.